Why Some Women Shave Off Their Eyebrows and Draw their Own

This is a controversial conversation between me and my controversial friend who takes delight in generalizing every little ideology he forms or adopts from others. Needless to say, I think this has a bearing on his staunch view that all women are the same. However, as you would expect or may not, I don't agree with him on most of his ideologies. This is one of such argument between me and him. Mind you, I sought his consent before bringing this online and he agreed. Please read the conversation below:
Buddy: "Guy I'm just tired of women. They're never satisfied. I mean they all seem to have insatiable desire for anything the crave for. In fact, they are very very ungrateful."
Me: "Bro, what makes you think so?"
Buddy: "Guy I'm telling you what I have experienced ever since I decided to try out this love thing."
Me: "Well, I think it depends on the type of women you meet during your romantic escapades. Again, I don't think you have any right to generalize this ideology of yours. I strongly believe that all women are not the same just as we men aren't the same."
Buddy: "I know you're saying this because you've not had an encounter with one of them yet. I bet you, by the time you meet one of them you'll remember my words."
Me: "What makes you think I'll ever come across such ones?"
Buddy: "Did you just say such ones? Oh, I can see. You're still under the illusion that the good ones are out there. I guess those are the ones your ordered directly from Heaven. There's no problem, keep dreaming."
Me: "Buddy, I still put it to you that my kind of woman will be of no such calibre you feel all of them are. And I'll do everything possible to please and satisfy her and I'm very sure she'll be grateful and faithful."
Buddy: "Hahahaaaaaaa...funny you! It's obvious you don't know a damn thing about women. If God could give them a beautiful eyebrows but they shave it off and draw their own to show how ungrateful they are, who are you then to satisfy them?  My friend please go and sleep over what I've told you. I'm sure by the time you wake up you'll regain your senses. Pardon me, I'm not saying you're out of your senses o. It's just an advice."

Okay, you've read it all, now it's your time to say  your mind. Is my buddy right by saying that all women have insatiable desire for anything they crave for and that it's Ungratefulness that make them Shave off their Natural Eyebrows and Draw their own? 
Please do well to drop your opinion in the comment box below. Thanks!

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